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Dive Student Self Medical Assessment

Responding affirmatively to a question doesn't automatically disqualify you from diving. It indicates the presence of a preexisting condition that could impact your safety while diving, requiring you to seek your physician's advice.

Kindly answer the subsequent questions regarding your past or current medical history with a YES or NO. If you're uncertain, please respond with YES. If any of these conditions apply to you, we kindly request that you consult a physician before engaging in scuba diving.

If your self-evaluation deems it necessary to be evaluated by a medical professional before participating in training, please download a PDF "Dive Student Medical Assessment" Form under "Useful Forms" in our website and bring it to your physician.

Could you be pregnant or are you attempting to become pregnant?
Are you over 45 years of age?
Are you presently taking prescription medications? (with the exception of birth control or anti-malaria medication other than mefloquine/Lariam)

Have you ever had or do you currently have:

Chest surgery, heart surgery, heart valve surgery, stent placement, or a pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
Asthma, wheezing, severe allergies, hay fever or congested airways within the last 12 months that limits physical activity/exercise?
A problem or illness involving my heart such as: angina, chest pain on exertion, heart failure, immersion pulmonary edema, heart attack or stroke, OR am taking medication for any heart condition
Recurrent bronchitis and currently coughing within the past 12 months, Or have been diagnosed with Emphysema?
Symptoms affecting my lungs, heart and/or blood in the last 30 days that impair my physical or mental performance?
Sinus surgery within the last 6 months?
Ear disease or surgery, hearing loss or problems with balance?
Recurrent sinusitis within the past 12 months?
Eye surgery within the past 3 months?
Head injury with loss of consciousness in the past five years?
Persistent Neurologic injury or disease?
Recurring migraine headaches within the past 12 months, or take medication to prevent them?
Blackout or fainting (full or partial loss of consciousness within the last 5 years)?
Epilepsy, seizures, convulsions or take medications to prevent them?
Behavioural health, mental or psychological problems requiring medical/psychiatric treatment?
Major depression, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, uncontrolled bipolar requiring medication/psychiatric treatment?
Been diagnosed with a mental health condition or a learning/developmental disorder that requires ongoing care?
An addiction to drugs or alcohol requiring treatment in the last 5 years?
Recurrent back problems in the last 6 months that limit my everyday activity?
Back or spinal surgery in the last 12 months?
Diabetes, drug or diet controlled, or gestational diabetes within the last 2 months?
An uncorrected hernia that limits my physical activity?
Active or un treated ulcers, problem wounds, or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months?
Ostomy surgery and do not have medical clearance to swim or engage in physical activity?
Dehydration requiring medical intervention in the last 7 days?
Active or untreated stomach or intestinal ulcers or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months?
Frequent heartburn, regurgitation, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)?
Active uncontrolled ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease?
Bariatric surgery within the last 12 months?
I struggle to perform moderate exercise (for example, walk 1.6km in 14 min or swim 200M without resting) , Or I have been unable to participate in a normal physical activity due to fitness or health reasons in the past 12 months
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